FiddleSmart Marketing

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Do THIS to increase conversions on your website

Imagine you're a parent. And while you're cleaning the house, your kid asks, "Can I have some stuff?"

You'd probably be confused, right? What stuff? Food? Clothes? Money? Toys? And you'd likely need to ask for details before making a decision.

The same goes for your website. A vague call-to-action button such as "Learn more" or "Contact Us" leaves visitors unsure about what to do next.

But a specific call-to-action like "Book a Consultation" or "Buy Now" tells them the next step they need to take if interested in doing business with you. And it makes a decision easy. They can quickly and easily say "yes" or "no" to the offer.

If you people to take the next step (and increase your conversions), you need to tell them exactly what to do with a call-to-action that’s easily accepted or rejected.

How to craft a call-to-action that converts

To create a powerful call-to-action:

  • Identify your goal. What’s the next step people need to take to do business with you? In e-commerce, it might be to buy a product. With services it might be to make an appointment, book a discovery call or get a free quote.

  • Use action verbs. You want people to see themselves doing something. So start the call-to-action with an action verb such as “Download,” “Buy,” “Schedule” or “Book.”

  • Highlight the benefit. When possible, mention what they get. “Free Consultation,” “Free Quote” or “Starter Pack” for example.

  • Reinforce urgency. When the call-to-action might not have a benefit you can highlight, consider using a time-bound term to help motivate immediate action. Using the words “now” or “today” can create that urgency. “Buy Now” or “Visit the Store Today” for example.

Take your call-to-action one step further

Now, to make your call-to-actions even more powerful:

  • Write the call-to-action in your customer’s voice. People envision themselves saying the call-to-action. If it’s natural, there’s a greater chance they’ll click to take the next step. (Some studies have shown using “my” instead of “your” in a call-to-action leads to higher conversions).

  • Avoid exclamation points. If someone was telling their friend the next step they were taking, they aren’t likely to shout out the statement. So, drop the exclamation point. It’s not creating urgency and it may be hurting your conversions.

  • Keep it short. Avoid a lengthy call-to-action. Put a statement or subheading above the button. And keep the copy in the button clear and concise.

Bonus tip: Don’t ask for too much too soon. Especially if you’re selling a high-ticket offer. Make the first step and easy step. Mae it a low-barrier offer to which people can easily say “yes” or “no.”

What’s your next step?

Now it’s your turn. Take a look at your website and marketing materials. Identify your call-to-actions. Are they clear and compelling? If not, use these tips to revamp them.

Remember, a clear call-to-action can be the difference between a website visitor and an engaged customer. Don’t leave them guessing about what to do next.

And if you’re struggling to take your call-to-actions to the next level, book a FREE strategy session for personalized advice.